Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Bearer of Good News

Everytime I hear of another child abducted, another murder, another rape, my heart breaks. I decided that what would really be worth sharing is good news. The stuff we wouldn't hear about in the paper or on the news. Share what is going on in your world. Did your kids do something that made you proud? Did you get an A on your final? How about sharing information on great places to eat, fish, vacation? Share something that touched your heart or a moving story you heard. See any good movies recently?

I want to share with you someone's success story. I girl I know used to be a smoker, drug addict and alcoholic. She stole to support her addiction. She was brought up by good parents and before she got on drugs and alcohol she was a very sweet person. She was caught for stealing and made a decision to turn her life around. She quit smoking, drugs and alcohol over two years ago and is currently going to college and working a full time job. Her life was such a mess before and to see how different her life is now still amazes me. The fact that she didn't kick one habit but three and never looked back is inspiring. She had to learn to love herself again and forgive herself for allowing drugs and alcohol to drag her to the bottom. I am so very proud of her and I let her know every chance I get. Her story makes me believe I can do anything if I want it bad enough.

1 comment:

Susie said...

This is so motivating...life is full of sweetness if we muddle through the tough times, isn't it? Thanks for sharing.