Friday, April 27, 2007

The Times They Are Changing

I remember when I looked forward to tagging along with my father to go get auto parts because I knew he would buy me a pop and we didn't have pop at home. The taste of a pop when you don't get them all the time is a real treat. Sometimes I would get strawberry and sometimes I would get orange or rootbeer. Once in a while when we went grocery shopping on Fridays I would get a malt at Tasty Freeze. I remember how good it tasted. These are very vivid memories that are forever etched in my mind about experiences I had as a child. What I see today are kids that drink pop instead of water, they have junk food within reach at all times and they don't appreciate anything because they are given everything. It's no big deal to kids today when mom and dad spend half a weeks salary on some new gadget or pair of jeans they want. They don't appreciate what they are given because it is given to them. It isn't worked for or earned. If you eat ice cream whenever you want you don't learn to savor the flavor of an occassional dish. They won't remember how good something tastes or how good something feels or an experience that was worth remembering, because they have more than they need. What makes something more valuable to us is the fact that we can't experience it everyday. If you had everything you wanted, life would get mundane after awhile. There wouldn't be the same anticipation and excitement over the simple joys. It really saddens my heart to think that kids today are missing out on those memories that were made special because they were few are far between. Technology has stolen the heart of childhood.

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